Hornby L&MR Coach Pack, Wellington, Globe & Queen Adelaide's Coach - Era 1
Product Code: R40357
Production Details:
Hornby L&MR Coach Pack, Wellington, Globe &
Queen Adelaide's Coach - Era 1. Royal trains have always been a
consideration of railway operators, and this included in the early
days of the railways. One of the first royal coaches dates back to
1842, and still exists to this day. In 1840, the widow of King
William IV became the first member of the British Royal Family to
travel by train, and with the decision that this may become a
regular occurrence, a special coach was built for her travel two
years later. Technical Specification & Detail:
Item Length - Without Packaging (cm): 8, Item Scale: 1:76 Scale 00
Gauge, Operator: L&MR, Designer: Robert Stephenson, Livery: L&MR,
Minimum Curve (mm): Radius 2.